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Editorial Complaints Policy

Editorial Complaints Policy

At CBD Vitality UK, we are committed to providing accurate, fair, and impartial information to our readers. We take all complaints about our content seriously and strive to address them promptly and efficiently. If you have a complaint about any of our editorial content, please follow the steps below.

Contact Us

If you have a complaint about any of our editorial content, please email us at info@cbdvitalityuk.comPlease include the following information in your email:

Your name and contact information

The date of publication and the headline of the article you are complaining about
A clear description of your complaint, including what you believe to be inaccurate, unfair, or impartial about the article
Any supporting evidence or documentation you have to support your complaint
We aim to acknowledge all complaints within three working days of receiving them.

Review and Investigation

Once we have received your complaint, we will review the article in question and investigate the issues you have raised. This may involve contacting relevant sources or experts to verify information and review the article’s content.

We will aim to respond to your complaint within 28 working days, although in some cases, it may take longer to complete our investigation. We will keep you informed of our progress throughout this process.


Once we have completed our investigation, we will send you a response to your complaint. This response will outline our findings, any actions we have taken, and any next steps.

If we find that your complaint is justified, we will take corrective action, which may include editing or removing the content in question or publishing a correction or clarification. If we do not find that your complaint is justified, we will explain our reasoning and provide you with an opportunity to respond.


If you are not satisfied with our response to your complaint, you may appeal to the editor of CBD Vitality UK. Please email us at and provide the following information:

Your name and contact information

The date of publication and the headline of the article you are complaining about
A clear explanation of why you believe our response was inadequate or incorrect
Any additional evidence or documentation to support your appeal
We will acknowledge your appeal within three working days and aim to respond to it within 28 working days. If you are still not satisfied with our response, you may refer your complaint to the Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO).

Contact Information

If you have any questions about our editorial complaints policy, please contact us at

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